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DWD Engineering - Rescue Crane Delivery

The Engineering division of DWD Technologies Group (PTY) Ltd was awarded the project to repair, upgrade and revamp Botswana Railways’ Rescue Crane. Over the past few months, the engineering team was hard at work to ensure that only the best world-class service was delivered to Botswana Railways.


On Friday the 24th of September 2021, the official ceremony with Botswana Railways was held at the headquarters of DWD in Rasesa. Guest of honour, Honarable Minister Segokgo, Minister of Transport and Communication, MP for Tlokwengmade an appearance and addressed the guests during the ceremony.

One of the owners and directors of DWD, Jan de Wet expressed his gratitude in that Botswana Railways entrusted the Company with this project while the Chairperson of Botswana Railways, Adolph Hirschfeld, applauded the work that DWD, as a 100% citizen owned company, performed on the recue crane.

DWD performed a demonstration of the Rescue Crane by using the crane arm to proudly lift the Botswana flag as well as perform the official ribbon cutting ceremony.

The Rescue Crane will be used by Botswana Railways to support any derailments that might occur on the railway system throughout Botswana.

It was an honor and a privilege being a part of such a memorable project and we look forward to working with Botswana Railways in the future.

“In unity we strive, in unity we grow and in unity we trust”


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